18-29th April, 2022

On April 2022, the Directorate-General Environment (DG ENV) from the European Commission organized a two-day workshop in order to update the review of the current Bathing Water Directive (BWD). The project iBATHWATER was invited to give a presentation in the session about digitalization, in order to show good practices and methodologies to improve the management of bathing waters, and explain the outcomes of the project with policy implications.
Other sessions and themes addressed related to the BWD were the following: current challenges in monitoring parameters, such as cyanobacteria, risk-based approach to assess the introduction of emerging pollutants and/or microplastics monitoring, how to manage bathing sites with poor quality, the use of social media to inform and empower the public, etc. Around 100 people, mainly local and national authorities, participated in this workshop.