Arxius de Meetings iBathWater - ibathwater Projecte demostratiu a escala real d'un nou sistema integrat de gestió de la xarxa de clavegueram urbana Fri, 20 Jan 2023 12:19:40 +0000 ca hourly 1 Arxius de Meetings iBathWater - ibathwater 32 32 iBATHWATER Final Event Fri, 20 Jan 2023 12:19:32 +0000 L'entrada iBATHWATER Final Event ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

On 29th September 2022, the iBATHWATER consortium organized a hybrid event to explain the main outcomes of the project. The intention of the event was to reach an audience at national level, and for this reason the language was Spanish.

A total of 74 people attended the meeting, either online or presential. The day was divided in 2 sessions, one dedicated to bathing waters management and the other to the management of urban sewage systems. The first session counted on presentations, besides the ones about the project, of DG ENV explaining the current policies at European level related to bathing waters, and the World Health Organization giving a global overview.

The second session had as key speaker the Spanish Ministry of Environment explaining the upcoming new Reglamento del Dominio Público Hidráulico. At the end, a round table was held with representatives from the academics (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), Barcelona City Council, Catalan Water Agency, AEOPAS and Aqua Publica Europea.

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Workshop on the digitalization of bathing water management Fri, 20 Jan 2023 11:47:56 +0000 L'entrada Workshop on the digitalization of bathing water management ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

On 5th April 2022, KWB organized, jointly with Digital Water City and Water Europe, a webinar with more than 200 attendees with the following purposes:

  • explore the benefits of digital innovations such as online sensors, machine learning, process-based models and mobile apps for managing microbial safety of bathing water sites;
  • promote an open-source data-driven early-warning system, which is currently developed within and iBathwater projects; and
  • draw concrete policy recommendations for the ongoing revision of the Bathing Water Directive (BWD).

L'entrada Workshop on the digitalization of bathing water management ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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Jornada final projecte iBATHWATER Fri, 29 Jul 2022 14:33:35 +0000 Durant la sessió presentarem els resultats de l’iBATHWATER projecte. iBATHWATER és un projecte demostratiu real d’un nou sistema de gestió integrat de la xarxa urbana de clavegueram. La seva aplicació redueix l’impacte en l’entorn natural dels vessaments d’aigua de pluja urbans no tractats, millorant així la gestió de l’aigua del bany durant i després dels […]

L'entrada Jornada final projecte iBATHWATER ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

Durant la sessió presentarem els resultats de l’iBATHWATER projecte.

iBATHWATER és un projecte demostratiu real d’un nou sistema de gestió integrat de la xarxa urbana de clavegueram. La seva aplicació redueix l’impacte en l’entorn natural dels vessaments d’aigua de pluja urbans no tractats, millorant així la gestió de l’aigua del bany durant i després dels episodis de fortes precipitacions. Les dues ciutats on es realitzen proves pilot són Barcelona (aigües costaneres) i Berlín (River Waters).

L'entrada Jornada final projecte iBATHWATER ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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Sixth consortium meeting and project monitoring Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:00:21 +0000 On 1st February 2022, we held the sixth review meeting of the project with the participation of the monitor Mariona Salvatella from NEEMO.

L'entrada Sixth consortium meeting and project monitoring ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

1st February, 2021

On 1st February 2022, we held the sixth review meeting of the project with the participation of the monitor Mariona Salvatella from NEEMO. Differently from the last previous meeting, this time some participants were able to meet in person in Eurecat’s headquarters in Barcelona. The meeting allowed us to evaluate the progress and future prospects of the project. In the following day we visited BCASA facilities, where we could see the control center and how the digital tools developed in the project are being implemented.

L'entrada Sixth consortium meeting and project monitoring ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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Visit of Catalan Water Agency to the site Tue, 29 Sep 2020 12:00:42 +0000 The iBATHWATER project team presents to the responsible for the coastal water unit of the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) the quality stations installed within the framework of the project.

L'entrada Visit of Catalan Water Agency to the site ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

29th September, 2020

The iBATHWATER project team presents to the responsible for the coastal water unit of the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) the quality stations installed within the framework of the project.
The stations, located on the Bogatell breakwater / Nova Icària beach and Somorrostro beach, analyse, automatically and continuously, the microbiological indicators of bathing water established by the Bathing Water Directive (D.2006/7/CE), as well as other physicochemical parameters.
With these data, real-time information on the quality of bathing water will be available, allowing more agile management in the detection of short-term pollution events, resulting from the overflows of the combined sewer systems during rainy days.

L'entrada Visit of Catalan Water Agency to the site ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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First sampling campaign in Barcelona Wed, 29 Jul 2020 14:38:46 +0000 The iBATHWATER project in Barcelona plans to perform analytical campaigns in the laboratory in order to validate the results of continuous measurement equipment

L'entrada First sampling campaign in Barcelona ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

29th July, 2020

The iBATHWATER project in Barcelona plans to perform analytical campaigns in the laboratory in order to validate the results of continuous measurement equipment, parameterize the marine pollution dispersal model during torrential rains, as well as to expand existing knowledge on the impact of short-term pollution events due to overflow of combined sewer systems during rainy weather.
The analyses are carried out on bathing water on the beaches of the city, on wastewater and on overflow points of the sewer network. The parameters analysed in the laboratory include, among others, microbiological indicators, viruses, nutrients, organic matter, metals, etc.
A first sampling campaign was carried out in dry weather, during the month of July 2020, where it can be advanced that the usual concentrations were found for most of the analysed parameters and no presence of SARS-CoV-2 was detected at any of the sampled points.

L'entrada First sampling campaign in Barcelona ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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Third review meeting and NEEMO visit Tue, 07 Jul 2020 12:00:46 +0000 L'entrada Third review meeting and NEEMO visit ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

6-7th July, 2020
Online and Barcelona

After few attempts to hold the third review meeting, finally we decided to move to the new trendy way of doing project meetings in these times of pandemics: a teleconference. This was held on 6th July, and followed by a face-to-face visit to the demo-site on 7th July with the attendance of Ms. Mariona Salvatella, the NEEMO monitor. By these days, the aquaBio devices were already running in Bogatell and Port Olímpic. During the teleconference, we evaluated the progress and future prospects of the project, mainly the sampling campaigns and the development of the DSS.

L'entrada Third review meeting and NEEMO visit ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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SECOND REVIEW MEETING Tue, 22 Oct 2019 16:47:13 +0000 October 21 and 22, 2019

L'entrada SECOND REVIEW MEETING ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.


The 21st and 22nd of October Berlin held the 2nd revision meeting of the iBATHWATER project. This meeting consisted on a meeting the 21st to evaluate the progress and future prospects of the project, and on a visit to the demo-sites of Berlin during the 22nd, and to the pilot of FlussBad Berlin.

L'entrada SECOND REVIEW MEETING ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

FIRST REVIEW MEETING Fri, 26 Apr 2019 17:21:40 +0000 March 28 and 29, 2019
BCASA - Barcelona

L'entrada FIRST REVIEW MEETING ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

March 28 and 29, 2019

El mes de març es va organitzar a la seu de BCASA, a Barcelona, el primer meeting de revisió del projecte LIFE-iBATHWATER, en el que tots els socis van fer un repàs a l’estat de la qüestió.

L'entrada FIRST REVIEW MEETING ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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