by Xevi | jul. 7, 2020 | Meetings iBathWater
6-7th July, 2020 Online and Barcelona After few attempts to hold the third review meeting, finally we decided to move to the new trendy way of doing project meetings in these times of pandemics: a teleconference. This was held on 6th July, and followed by a...
by Xevi | oct. 22, 2019 | Meetings iBathWater
The 21st and 22nd of October Berlin held the 2nd revision meeting of the iBATHWATER project. This meeting consisted on a meeting the 21st to evaluate the progress and future prospects of the project, and on a visit to the demo-sites of Berlin during the 22nd, and to...
by Xevi | abr. 26, 2019 | Meetings iBathWater
March 28 and 29, 2019 El mes de març es va organitzar a la seu de BCASA, a Barcelona, el primer meeting de revisió del projecte LIFE-iBATHWATER, en el que tots els socis van fer un repàs a l’estat de la...