Arxius de National Events - ibathwater Projecte demostratiu a escala real d'un nou sistema integrat de gestió de la xarxa de clavegueram urbana Fri, 20 Jan 2023 12:19:40 +0000 ca hourly 1 Arxius de National Events - ibathwater 32 32 iBATHWATER Final Event Fri, 20 Jan 2023 12:19:32 +0000 L'entrada iBATHWATER Final Event ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

On 29th September 2022, the iBATHWATER consortium organized a hybrid event to explain the main outcomes of the project. The intention of the event was to reach an audience at national level, and for this reason the language was Spanish.

A total of 74 people attended the meeting, either online or presential. The day was divided in 2 sessions, one dedicated to bathing waters management and the other to the management of urban sewage systems. The first session counted on presentations, besides the ones about the project, of DG ENV explaining the current policies at European level related to bathing waters, and the World Health Organization giving a global overview.

The second session had as key speaker the Spanish Ministry of Environment explaining the upcoming new Reglamento del Dominio Público Hidráulico. At the end, a round table was held with representatives from the academics (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), Barcelona City Council, Catalan Water Agency, AEOPAS and Aqua Publica Europea.

L'entrada iBATHWATER Final Event ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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WATER ERASMUS Technical Workshop Fri, 20 Jan 2023 12:12:52 +0000 L'entrada WATER ERASMUS Technical Workshop ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

On 12th May 2022, Aqua Publica Europea and Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua, the public operator from Barcelona (Spain) organized the WATER ERASMUS Technical Workshop on Bathing Waters, to discuss the role of public water operators in ensuring clean coastal and inland waters for bathers.

In the broader context of ongoing review of the Bathing Water Directive by the European Commission, the WATER ERASMUS Technical Meeting started by reviewing the challenges and perspectives for safe bathing waters with institutional experts and moved on to a technical exchange among water operators who shared their technical and governance approaches to contribute to clean seas and rivers, in particular considering the impact of combined sewer overflows.

L'entrada WATER ERASMUS Technical Workshop ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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Workshop on the digitalization of bathing water management Fri, 20 Jan 2023 11:47:56 +0000 L'entrada Workshop on the digitalization of bathing water management ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

On 5th April 2022, KWB organized, jointly with Digital Water City and Water Europe, a webinar with more than 200 attendees with the following purposes:

  • explore the benefits of digital innovations such as online sensors, machine learning, process-based models and mobile apps for managing microbial safety of bathing water sites;
  • promote an open-source data-driven early-warning system, which is currently developed within and iBathwater projects; and
  • draw concrete policy recommendations for the ongoing revision of the Bathing Water Directive (BWD).

L'entrada Workshop on the digitalization of bathing water management ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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Jornada final projecte iBATHWATER Fri, 29 Jul 2022 14:33:35 +0000 Durant la sessió presentarem els resultats de l’iBATHWATER projecte. iBATHWATER és un projecte demostratiu real d’un nou sistema de gestió integrat de la xarxa urbana de clavegueram. La seva aplicació redueix l’impacte en l’entorn natural dels vessaments d’aigua de pluja urbans no tractats, millorant així la gestió de l’aigua del bany durant i després dels […]

L'entrada Jornada final projecte iBATHWATER ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

Durant la sessió presentarem els resultats de l’iBATHWATER projecte.

iBATHWATER és un projecte demostratiu real d’un nou sistema de gestió integrat de la xarxa urbana de clavegueram. La seva aplicació redueix l’impacte en l’entorn natural dels vessaments d’aigua de pluja urbans no tractats, millorant així la gestió de l’aigua del bany durant i després dels episodis de fortes precipitacions. Les dues ciutats on es realitzen proves pilot són Barcelona (aigües costaneres) i Berlín (River Waters).

L'entrada Jornada final projecte iBATHWATER ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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Workshop “CWP Water Innovation Day” Thu, 24 Feb 2022 15:03:48 +0000 On February 24, the Catalan Water Partnership Water Innovation Day was held at the World Trade Center in Barcelona, dedicated this year to Digital and Circular Solutions.

L'entrada Workshop “CWP Water Innovation Day” ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

18th October, 2021
World Trade Centre, Barcelona

On February 24, the Catalan Water Partnership Water Innovation Day was held at the World Trade Center in Barcelona, dedicated this year to Digital and Circular Solutions. With more than 120 people registered, ADASA and Eurecat participated in this event.
After the welcome by the Climate Action Secretary, Ms. Anna Barnadas i López, and Jordi Cros, R&D projects were presented, including iBathWater.
There was also time for networking during the coffee break, and for the conference on “How to manage Innovation in Companies”. The event ended with the award for the best Innovation project.

L'entrada Workshop “CWP Water Innovation Day” ha aparegut primer a ibathwater.

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